120 Fulton Way
Richmond Hill
Site Type:
Richmond Hill
M-1, M-2 (split)
Nearest Intersection:
Highway 7 and Hwy 404
Permitted Uses:
M-1 zoning allows for the following uses: Public Uses: Refer to Section 6.11 (2) of By-law 150-80 Industrial Uses Permitted: • Warehousing of goods and materials but not including a transportation terminal • Manufacturing and assembly of goods and materials • Printing establishments • Research and development • Offices accessory to permitted uses on the same lot Commercial Uses: • Retail sale of goods manufactured on the premises, but retail area must not exceed 10% of total floor area • Offices accessory to permitted use, or not accessory as long as they do not exceed 15% of total floor area • Data processing, and for M2, all of the above, plus Dry Cleaning Services, Stored goods are accessory to the permitted use • Storage area is in rear yard, • Storage area coverage does not exceed 5% of lot area • Storage area is enclosed
Vacant Units: